Jun 18, 2011

Have a good weekend!

雨。私は、家で、勉強、ロブさんは、ハーバーで、一人、ボートのメンテナンスに精を出している。月曜日のFinal Exam が終われば、週末にこんな風に勉強をして、ロブさんの機嫌が悪くなることもないんだと思うと、正直、ほっとする。

Rainy and cold. I am staying home by myself and studying for my final exam. Rob is in the harbor and doing maintenance on our boat. It is not hard to study on the rainy day like this. But, needless to say, I rather want to be sailing.

I will ride my bike to the harbor later this afternoon so that I can sleep on the boat, at least. For a little fun before the big exam.

Have a nice weekend!

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