May 24, 2006

Cockatiel chiks vol.2

Today, Rob and I visited the bird breeder to see
how the chicks are growing up.
Here are a couple of pictures of the chicks!!!
They are still hand fed.
They almost look like adult birds though.
Rob and I got opportunity to hand feed them.
Both he and I made their feathers pretty messy.
Sorry, chicks!!!


Hotaru said...


tA-nU-kI said...

hand feed、とっても貴重な体験でした。雛達は、ロブと私のせいで餌まみれになってしまいましたけどね。我が家、2週間以内にオカメインコとの生活を始めます。野菜やフルーツも食べるオカメに育てたいのですが、うまくいくかな。。早く、hotaruさんにご紹介したいです!