May 13, 2006

Cockatiel chicks

This morning, Rob and I visited the bird breeder whom
we bought HaNa from. She showed us a few Cockatiel chicks.
Here are a couple of pictures of the chicks.
They are about 3 weeks old.
We will get one of them in a few weeks.
Because they are still hand fed by her.
When we visit her again, how will they look like?
Aren't you curious? ;) We are so curious!

We buried HaNa with a Gladiolus bulb I bought for her
yesterday. The colour of the flower will be orange.
In order to reminds us of her pretty cheeks...

HaNa, we love you!!!


Hotaru said...

こんにちは、遊びにきました〜。はじめて書いたので忘れてるかな? 最近、私の兄夫婦がcocktielのひなをもらってほしいとのこと。うちにはすでに4羽のインコがいてアパートの中を飛び回ってはぴーちくパーちく。けっこううるさいのでCocktielまではちょっと。。と思ってた矢先、ta-nu-ki さんの写真見てたらすこし欲しくなってしまいました。。これからの成長していくhanaちゃんを楽しく読ませてもらいますね!

tA-nU-kI said...
